This week I have hauled out Simple however Not. With Thanksgiving around the bend, there will be the included anxiety of a street excursion, so I chose to hold off on beginning the keep going verge on Baltimore Garden. I understood that albeit I adore applique, hand sewing is still my most loved piece of making a coverlet. So unwinding simply taking fasten after line pulling the string thru the fabric. I cherish when I get into the zone and my brain floats off to different things and takes me where I need to go. It's raining outside, so today I will sit and join to my souls content. I will be joining Kathy and the others that connection up today over at Kathy's site. Kathy additionally reminds us today, that Bonnie Hunter will be facilitating Quilt Cam this evening at 2pm. Sounds like a ton of eminent sewing will be occurring. As is frequently said, delight in the fleeting tranquility before all hell breaks loose. Monday, brings clothing and get ready for our trek to visit family for Thanksgiving. I trust everybody appreciates their Thanksgiving Day with family and companions. Yet to start with, we should delight in some glorious moderate sewing today!